Dinosaur Tea Party (Record no. 159)

Title Dinosaur Tea Party
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Restoration Games
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2018
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC.
Summary, etc. 2 to 5 players<br/>Suitable for ages 7 and above<br/>Play time 20 to 30 minutes<br/><br/>It is the most sought after invitation of the year, Dinoton Abbey for high tea. Now you are all gussied up in your bespoke finery and sporting the hottest fascinator straight from Savile Row. There is just one problem: You cannot remember any names. Who is that, sporting the fancy brooch and toting along her pet chicken? Is that Jeannine? Beatriz? Oh dear. If you are not careful, you will commit a faux pas that will quickly find its way into the gossip pages of the Raptors Home Quarterly.<br/><br/>Dinosaur Tea Party is a thorough reimagining of Whosit?, the 1967 identity guessing game. Each player is a dinosaur with a hidden identity. Players take turns asking each other questions to figure them out. When a player thinks they have figured everybody out, they announce their guesses. The other players indicate whether they are correct by dropping their sugar cubes into the dino teapot, which cleverly reveals if any of the guesses are wrong but not which ones. The first player to deduce every name wins the game and is sure to be invited back for Sunday supper.
Source of classification or shelving scheme
Koha item type Board Game
Suppress in OPAC No
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          Davis Cards & Games Davis Cards & Games 09/11/2021 2 B.3.8 867825000352 01/04/2024 01/03/2024 09/11/2021 Board Game